Gias uddin Ahmad

Place of Birth: Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Date of Birth: 1 March 1939.
Academic Qualifications:
B. Sc. (Hons. in Physics, 1959); M. Sc. (in Physics, 1960); Ph. D (in Physics, 1967) from the University of Glasgow, UK.
Joining in the Department of Physics: 1961.
Present Position: Professor.
Field of research interest: Radiation Therapy Physics and Radiation Protection.
Supervision of research work: 20 M. Phil. and 6 Ph. D. students.
List of Publications

(a) Published in Journals:
1. "Gamma Activity of some Building Materials in West Malaysia" C. S. Chong and G.U. Ahmad; Health Physics, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1982, p-272 (UK).

2. "The natural radioactivity of some building materials used in Bangladesh", A S. Mollah, G. U. Ahmad, M. M. Rahman and S. R. Husain, Health Physics, Vol. 50, 1986, p-191 (UK).

3. "Measurement of neutron shielding properties of heavy concrele using Cf-252 source", A. S. Mollah, G. U. Ahmad and S. R. Husain, Nuclear Engineering and Design; Vol. 135, 1992, p-321 (UK).

4. "Verifikationsmessungen mit Thermolumineszenz-Dosimetern für ausgewählte asymmetrische Felder", F. Nasreen, G. A. Zakaria and G. U. Ahmad; Medizinische Physik, Vol. 28, 1992, p-21 (Germany).

5. "Some notes on setting of g-ray spectrometer using Nal(TI) Crystal", G. U. Ahmad, Technical Journal of University of Engg. & Tech., Dhaka,1969, p-20.

6. "Relative Yields of some photo-nuclear reactions at high energy", G. U. Ahmad, Nuclear Science and Applications; Vol. 6, Series B, October, 1973, p-28.

7. "Cross-sections for Cu63 (g p )Zn63 and Cu63 (g, p n)Zn62 reactions", G.U. Ahmad and A.L. Cockroft, Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol. 7, Series B, October, 1974, p-29.

8. "Activity below meson threshold in photon-pion production in complex nuclei", G.U. Ahmad, Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol. 8, Series B, October, 1975, p-66.

9. "Radio-chemical separation of very small amount of zinc from large amount of copper and other elements", G.U. Ahmad, Chemical Engineering Research Builetin, BUET, Vol. 4, 1980, p-15.

10. "K-40, Ra-226 and Th-232 in Urban Environment", G. U. Ahmad and C. S.Chong, Journal of the Bangladesh Academy of Science; Vol. 6, No. 1, 1982, p-191.

11. "Determination of sensitivity of a whole body counter for 99mTc, 75Se and 131I", G.U. Ahmad, G. A. Zakaria and D. Fehrentz, BUET studies, Vo. 1, 1991, p-113.

12. "Gamma activity in urban Bangladesh", A. S. Molla, G. U. Ahmad, S. R. Husain and M. M. Rahman, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Science, Vol. 10, 1986, p-1.

13. "Attenuating properties of boron loaded ordinary concrete for neutrons and gamma rays from californium-252", A. S. Mollah, G.U. Ahmad and S. R. Husain, BUET studies, Vol. 1, 1991, p-96.

14. "In-vivo identification of radiothorium in gas mantle workers in Bangladesh"; A Jalil, F. Nasreen, M. A Rab Molla and G.U. Ahmad, The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1991, p-83.

15. "Design, development and fabrication of a shielding assembly for a Nal(TI) scintillation detector to be used in a whole-bldy radioactivity counter", A. Jalil, M. A. Rab Molla and G. U. Ahmad; The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1992, p-63.

16. "A study of the shielding properties of polyethylene, heavy concrete and its multilayer", S. M. A Islam, M. A. Zaman, M. H. R. Khan, M. A. H Choudhury and G. U Ahmad, Jahangir Nagar University Review, Part - A Vol. 13-16, 1989 -92, p-95.

17. "Determination of thorium in agricultural and biological samples by alpha spectrometry", Aleya Begum, M. R. Molla, G. U. Ahmad and A. S. Mollah, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 18(2), 1994, p-163.

18. "A study on neutron and gamma ray attenuation by multilayered shields", A. Matin, S. Begum, G. U. Ahmad, M. M. Rahman and A. S. Mollah; Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 18(2), 1994, p - 153.

19. "Determination of alpha emmiting radionuclides in rock samples", Aleya Begum, G. U. Ahmad, M. R. Molla and A. S. Mollah; Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vo. 21(2), 1997.

20. "Determination of thorium in geological samples"; Aleya Begum, M. A. R. Molla, A. S. Mollah and G. U. Ahmad, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 22(1), 1998, p -7.

21. "Measurement of dose outside the irradiated volume by using locally fabricated water phantom"; Md. Rafi Uddin, M. Jahangir Alam and G.U. Ahmad, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 2: 41-44, 2003.

22."Bio-distribution and tracerkinetic study of a renal agent in human subjects"; Naureen M. Rahman, Md. Nurul Islam, M. A. Karim and G.U. Ahmad, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 2: 1-6, 2003.

23. "Brain dose during thyroid studing using 99mTc-Pertechnetate"; M.M. Alam, M.R. Uddin and G.U. Ahmad, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 2: 31-34, 2003.

24. "Sensitivity factor and reproducibility of thermo-luminescent dosimeters"; F. Nasreen, G.A. Zakaria and G.U. Ahmad, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 2: 23-29, 2003.

25. "Mathematical expression for the representation of central axis percentage depth dose of Co-60 beam for different field sizes and depths"; Afia Begum, Md. Jahangir Alam, Harun ar Rashid, A.S. Mollah and Gias uddin Ahmad, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics,1:1-9, 2002.

26. "Accuracy of the dose correction in irregular fields for mega-voltage photon beam radiation"; M. Jahangir Alam, Md. Rafi Uddin, H. Rashid, F. Nasreen, S.R. Husain and G.U. Ahmad, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 1: 41-44, 2002.

27. "A comparison between ferrous sulfate and ionization chamber dosimetry for 60Co gamma beams", M. S. Rahman, G.U. Ahmad, Taiman Bin Kadni, A. Koddus, M.M. Hossain, M. Safiur Rahman, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 1: 21-26, 2002.

(b) Published in Proceedings:
1. "Analysis of glow curve of some TLDs for neutron and gamma-ray mixed field dosimetry"; A. S. Mollah, G. U. Ahmad and N. Vana, INST-53/REWMD-8, 1997.

2. "A study on neutron and gamma-ray responses of laboratory made LiF: Mg, Ti crystal TLD", A. S. Mollah, N. Vana, M. Fugger and G. U. Ahmad, Proc. of the 9th international conference on Radiation Protection (IRPA), Vol. 4, p-373, 1996 (Vienna).

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Written by: Nazrul Islam
E-mail: mnislam@phy.buet.ac.bd
 Updated  September 2003                                                                        Updated September 2003